3Ds Max Studio 8 Display Poly Count
3ds max studio 8 display poly count

For those 3D Warehouse Lady Models to look their very best. A dead-on camera angle is too dramatic and I am using 3DS MAX 2016 WITH VRAY 3. Poly models, and Ive started to notice that saving them directly in 8.

3ds max studio 8 display poly count

3Ds Max Studio 8 Display Poly Count Update To Add

And dolls with many mat zones will cost more RAM than similar dolls with few mat zones. Just extra data - this is an excerpt from a FaerieWylde discussion on how best to populate TinkerBell's Drive-In Cafe'.~~~ update to add poly count info for dolls ~~~P2 Biz man Lo.2,799 polygonsI suspect that V4 carries a greater memory burden in morph data than A3, and V4's materials are certainly more complex. The site is somewhat hard to navigate but the exploring is worth the trouble. Happy digging.As the name implies, they only have finger licking good delicious models. All in Max, 3ds, gsm, lwo format ready to be download without registration.Their 3D models come in Max, 3ds, car, wire, jas, c4d, daz, dwg formats, it is a community based sharing platform where everyone contributes.They have almost 10,000 free 3D models for furniture, textures, chairs, tables, plants, beds, interior in.

What tools are you using to make your morphs?Quote - With Lower Poly models it is easyer to morph in the X,Y,Z. I had no problem whatsoever morphing in all 3 dimensions. Not only do i own tons of morphs for "high" poly count models (not very high compared to pro meshes, but high for here), i've made several. These are the choice for background crowd dolls.The P4 Lo-poly dolls are lowest in poly count, but they are utterly horrid models, unusable in my opinion.The standard res P4 dolls (Posette and Dork) would be my choice for midground dolls excellent shape at 1/5 the poly count of Aiko 3.Silo Pro 2.5.6 64bit, Vue Infinite 2014.7, Genetica 4.0 Studio, UV Mapper Pro, UV Layout Pro, PhotoImpact X3, GIF Animator 5With very high poly count models, one can only morph in the Z direction.That's not true.

Just to make them at least" look" real. Low poly count imposes a lot of restrictions on what you can do and how.Quote - just try to drop V'4's breasts for some 2-3". A single polygon can't bend in the middle, let alone bend in lots of different directions. In point of fact, if you don't have the polygons, you simply cannot make certain surface changes. I've also had problems myself morphing low poly figures. I know because i've requested some in the past.

But it doesn't prove that higher poly count isn't needed for certain morphs. And i've just recently seen a very realistic breast morph in the gallery of one of the artists i followQuote - Some like black chocolate, some like white.I morph a lot, and prefer the lower poly models over anything else.Which is very true, fine and really understandable. I haven't used Posermatic's NBS for V4, but i have for V3, which is an even more high poly mesh, and it works beautifully. I use Posermatic's NGM for V4 which achieves much more realistic results than my own with no problem at all.

If you want, for instance, a more complex shape compared to what you have, you might need more polygons. And even then, both have their limits. It only works well on models designed to work with it well, just as subsurfacing only works well on models designed to work with it well. Just because you don't use a feature doesn't mean the need for that feature is just hype.Quote - Also, since "Smooth polygons" was introduced, (and it works very well BTW, that extra , ultra high poly count is actually no loner justified.It is more a selling point than anything else.That's not really true, either.

3ds max studio 8 display poly count

I'd actually be very interested in seeing your work. I've seen people do some truly impressive work with Posette and Judy (though not low res Alyson yet). Lots and lots of people need quite a few polys in the ears for morphs.Quote - Posette, Judy, Low Res Alyson they do not come better That's a real matter of opinion. Ears which then need expression. And let's not forget the furry contingent that likes to make animal ears out of the latest Vicky.

Even some of the older DAZ figures stack up well, apart from the bending.Trouble is, there is no easy answer. Take a look at Antonia, for instance. High poly count is not the be all and end all of good models. But basically saying the only reason people like and use the features of higher resolution figures is they don't know any better is just incorrect.Quote - > Quote - What do you do with 500 poly's in the ears? And then cover them with hair?Maybe that's useful should one want to make a close up of the ear area?High poly count (+great textures) is what makes Poser models so lifelike and so versatile.Does that make sense or is that complete rubbish?Makes sense. I agree that a lot of hype goes into new figures, and there's a lot of inefficiency that could be solved by better topology rather than more polygons. They don't have the least faulty bending of all figures out there, they don't have UV mapping with the least amount of stretch, and body shape and proportion is purely a matter of personal taste.

Doesn't bend too well, though. Great default shape and face, morphs reasonably well and doesn't eat up a lot of RAM. I should know I have a Runtime full of 'em.For the record, my all time favourite female figure is the original Stephanie. Just can't bring myself to like V4 at all.Fact is, there is not yet one single figure which is great in every situation. Generally speaking, I'd like a medium poly model which can be used anywhere. High poly models with tons of morphs are also fantastic for single figure situations and close up work.

I'm sure someone will know.Coppula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum.Quote - > Quote - > Quote - What do you do with 500 poly's in the ears? And then cover them with hair?I don't even get the concept of displacement yet. For the life of me, I have no idea where these are available from now.

3ds max studio 8 display poly count